If you have the knowledge of print that you know where to go to get a cost effective price, the knowledge of design to know that your images are the required DPI to print clearly or the knowledge of paper to know that what you are printing will print exactly how you want it to look and feel, then you don’t need a print management company.
If however, you don’t have this knowledge, and these points are just a few of thousands of different specifications which set your print project apart from the next one, then you do.
Why not go straight to the printer? I hear you ask.
You can go direct to the printer but do you know what print presses they have and are they geared to print your project cost effectively? Each print company has a unique tool and skill set and will only be able produce a limited number of projects cost effectively.
A Print Management company is independent and has the flexibility to represent several different companies, they will be able to give you best advice at all times and ensure that your project is delivered to you ontime everytime. So if you work in a busy department which deals with a variety of print products then the right Print Management company would be a valuable addition to your team.